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Our Trustees


We Are Survivors are extremely fortunate to have an incredibly dedicated bunch of Trustees, coming from various walks of life and employment sectors, who give us their time, energy and skills free of charge, and collectively form the Board of Trustees. To find out more about each Trustee, click on their name and take a look at what they have to say.


Consultant Physician in Genitourinary Medicine; NHS

Andrew works as an NHS doctor; having trained in hospital medicine across the North West before specialising in sexual health and HIV medicine. During his training, he has worked in clinics and hospitals across Greater Manchester, gaining extensive experience in both inner city and district general hospital settings. He has experience in reviewing patients presenting to services following both acute and historic sexual assault.

Andrew’s interests include infection risk reduction strategies and substance misuse management, which was furthered by completing a Public Health England fellowship in sexualised drug-taking across Greater Manchester. He is passionate about training and has completed a masters degree in Clinical Education at Edge Hill University and has been involved in both undergraduate and postgraduate training. Outside of work he enjoys the great outdoors and finds running a good way to unwind after a busy week.

Why did you choose to become a trustee of We Are Survivors?

Over the years, I have been incredibly impressed by the work of We Are Survivors. I have referred patients to the organisation confident in the knowledge that they will receive a high level of care and support. I feel privileged to be able to play a role within the organisation.

What would you like to see We Are Survivors do in Greater Manchester?

To continue the great work already undertaken and to further contribute to the de-stigmatisation of male sexual assault in the hope that all survivors will feel empowered to seek support.

Do you have a message for Greater Manchester residents?

If you are a survivor, do not suffer in silence. Support is available when you are ready, on your terms. It is never too late.

What’s your favourite thing about Manchester?

Manchester has a real vibrancy and a warmth that’s only found in the North!



People & Culture Director, Autotrader

Christos is a people and culture leader with a career across different industries ranging from digital to social housing. He spent four years at the Co-operative Bank before joining Auto Trader in 2014 where together with his brilliant team he focuses on creating a space where everyone’s uniqueness is celebrated and is empowered to thrive by being at their best. Driven by his passion for inclusion, he leads the D&I and ESG strategies of one of the most admired digital businesses in the UK and Top 50 Inclusive Companies.

Born in Athens and moved to the UK in 2002 to study for his MSc in Human Resources at The University of Manchester after completing studies at the American College of Greece and the London School of Economics; he fell in love with the city and its people, so he decided to make it his home. He is a actively involved in making a difference working with leading charities including being a Trustee for We Are Survivors and is a Vice President for Forever Manchester.



Chief of Health and Care Integration – Professor Craig Harris

Craig joined Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB in November 2022 as Chief of Health and Care Integration, being previously employed as Wigan CCGs Accountable Officer and the Managing Director of the Healthier Wigan Partnership. Most recently for Craig was an Executive Officer within Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board and was on secondment to Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust as their Incident Director.  Craig has worked in healthcare organisations since graduating as a nurse in 2000, leading to various executive commissioning roles in the Greater Manchester area over the past 10 years.

Craig is passionate about mental health and has been a champion for over 20 years with a real focus on children and young people and special education needs.  Craig is also a strong community advocate and is the chair of the board of trustees of a national charity for male survivors, which also compliments his log standing role as a Presiding Justice of the Peace in the magistrate’s courts where he has work hard on the developments of mental health liaison and domestic violence courts.  On a personal note, Craig loves spending time with his family, walking the dog, cycling and horse-riding with his son.

As part of this role, Craig will ensure continuation to develop strong working partnerships with colleagues across all sectors and organisations, improving the health and wellbeing of Lancashire and South Cumbria residents.

evan chiswell

Deputy Chair


Business, Marketing and Development Director: Humankind

Throughout his work with disabled individuals, older people, adult and young offenders, people with a mental health need and substance users, Evan has supported many men who have experienced different forms of abuse. By working closely with these individuals, Evan has learnt of the profound impact that abuse causes upon people’s lives, and the benefits of empathetic peer-based support. Facilitated within his Qualified Social Worker training; at academic, theoretical and practical levels, Evan has gained experience regarding the interplay between society, law, an individual and their environment.

Throughout his work history he has assessed each of these factors and their influential effect on individuals’ life-courses, or chances. With a mixture of frontline working, strategic management and academic experience, Evan’s found that We Are Survivors provides a necessary and exceptional service to survivors, their partners, their families and their friends. His decision to become involved with We Are Survivors is based on his vocation of working with oppressed individuals and communities, to empower those people to therapeutically achieve change and to strive towards breaking the oppressive influence of the silence of abuse.

Why did you choose to become a board member of We Are Survivors?

My decision to become a board member of We Are Survivors was a simple one. Having been privileged to have had a number of individuals speak to me about their legacies, I had raised my concerns about the lack of specialist support; and more importantly, a peer-based network of individuals that can support each other. The person that I raised these concerns with was Duncan Craig. Duncan then told me of this vision for We Are Survivors.

Realising the degree of silence which exists; on individual and social levels, it was clear to me that something had to be done. I felt like this was a unique opportunity for me to contribute to changing the injustice that exists, and making the lives of survivors better within Manchester.

The silence further inhibits men from having an opportunity to speak openly about their legacies, and I wanted to be a part of an organisation which changes the tide of silence affecting individuals’ lives, and communal, cultural and societal awareness.

What would you like to see We Are Survivors do in Manchester?

I’m truly honoured to have been involved in We Are Survivors since its inception. In that time, the organisation has had some remarkable achievements, but its greatest accomplishments have been those not achieved by the organisation itself, but by those that it serves: the Survivors themselves.

I would like to see We Are Survivors continue to represent survivors living across the North West at every level of its provision and delivery. This principle is vital to ensuring that We Are Survivors gives people a platform and the confidence to speak out.

I would like to see We Are Survivors create a format which adapts to the people that it supports. Furthermore, I would like to see We Are Survivors provide advice, support or peer-support to those brave and strong people that support survivors on a day-to-day basis; whether they be partners, families or friends.

We Are Survivors has a difficult objective in offering a service to all male survivors, but it is achievable with the support of the survivors themselves, their families, friends and partners to spread the word and ensure that We Are Survivors doesn’t leave anybody to suffer alone.

I would like to see We Are Survivors continue to learn, evolve and grow to become an organisation which male survivors have ownership over, and which can lead men to live more positive lives.

Do you have a message for Greater Manchester residents?

My message to Greater Manchester residents is that We Are Survivors is an organisation that can only grow with your support. The organisation was founded to aid you as residents and so with your help we can end the silence of abuse.

If you, your partner, your family member or your friend have experienced abuse and want somebody to talk to, or to tell your story, then that is the reason that we are here. Help break the silence of abuse, it ends with us.

What’s your favourite thing about Manchester?

Having lived in a number of cities and towns across England and Wales, I’ve fallen in love with Manchester for any number of reasons. To attribute one favourite element of Manchester is difficult, but it has to be the music; Manchester has and is continuing to be the birthplace of an exceptional number of amazing bands and culture.



General Manager / Accountant

Fran’s work life started in admin, then after exploring an interest in databases and IT, Fran finally decided to train as an accountant. She qualified in 2002 and completed her MBA at Manchester Business School in 2010. Whilst in the corporate sector, working in retail, utilities and online marketing industries, Fran specialised in using her finance skills to work with operational teams developing their budgets, business plans and performance management processes. Having left the corporate sector in late Summer 2012 Fran is now pursuing a more personally rewarding career as an accountant in the voluntary sector helping organisations prepare business plans, develop funding proposals and improve accounting processes and controls.

Having got interested in social accounting in the last few years, Fran is now also working towards a PhD at Manchester Business School researching the future potential of social value accounting methodologies.

Outside of work, Fran is a music fanatic and plays in a couple of local orchestras. She is also a member of the Social Value UK Board who’s mission is to change the way the world accounts for value.

Why did you decide to become an Trustee for We Are Survivors?

After hearing that Survivors were looking for some finance support, I met with Duncan to find out a bit more. I was amazed to hear what Survivors has achieved over the last few years, and also shocked to realise how difficult it can be for male survivors of abuse to speak out and to find support locally. It is wonderful to see what Survivors has done already to help so many people, and there is a clear need for this to continue and grow in the years to come.

I am delighted that I have an opportunity to use some of my skills and experience to contribute towards continuing to build a support service that is available to all who need it.

What would you like to see We Are Survivors do in Greater Manchester?

I would like more survivors in the Manchester area to be able to find and use the support available at We Are Survivors. I want to raise awareness of the issues and I want more people to be able to access our service.

I believe we can achieve this through strong partnerships with health services, legal and educational institutions and all organisations that come across survivors. We can build understanding and awareness, and we can grow this support network to be accessible and available for everyone who needs it.

Do you have a message for Greater Manchester residents?

For survivors… we are here. You can get in touch with us and we can help.

For everyone else… ask, enquire, find out more – build your understanding and become part of the day to day support network for all the survivors who want to interact with you.

What’s your favourite thing about Manchester?

I love the culture in Manchester. There’s something for everyone. Theatres, music, food, sports – all in an amazingly compact area. I think I’ve only seen a small part of it in the 30 years I’ve lived here. But most of all I like the people – what a fab bunch!!!



Founder of 2Novate

Kevin is as the founder of 2Novate, an independent consultancy specialising in the review, design and implementation of victim support services.

Kevin has been behind the successful implementation of victim support services for Police and Crime Commissioners, NHS and the VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) Sector and is one of the country’s leading experts in the design and development of support services for victims of crime. His work has pioneered the transformation of the national landscape in this area.

Kevin has led specialist victim services and draws upon his extensive experience and understanding of policing to concentrate his efforts; recognising the impact that crime and the criminal justice system has on victims and survivors, to ensure that their needs are at the forefront of his work.



What trustees do:

Trustees are charged with the task of ensuring the overall direction and performance of We Are Survivors is coherent to the organisations legal documents and business plan.

Although the main role of the trustees is to be responsible for monitoring and controlling the activities of the agency, because we are a small charitable organisation, unlike many of the larger organisations, from time to time We Are Survivors trustees become involved in some of the day to day business.

It can be a challenging role, for instance, trustees are legally and financially responsible for the organisations overall management and finances.

Who can be a trustee?

There are very few opportunities for under 18s to become trustees in the UK and there are also other restrictions that disqualify others, by law, from acting as charity trustees. This includes:

  • Anyone who has been convicted of an offence involving deception or dishonesty, unless the conviction is spent anyone who is an undischarged bankrupt;
  • Anyone who has previously been removed from trusteeship of a charity by the court or the Charity Commissioners;
  • Anyone who is under a disqualification order under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986.

What are the qualities needed to be a trustee?

Depending on the organisation, depends on the qualities of a trustee, but there is a general consensus, stated by The Charities Commission that:

“Trustees need to be able – and willing – to give time to the efficient administration of the charity and the fulfilment of its trusts. We recommend they be selected on the basis of their relevant experience and skills and must be prepared to take an active part in the running of the charity.”

Can service users, clients or members be trustees?

Different organisations have different rules, but here at We Are Survivors we say…Yes!

Members can offer incredibly valuable perspective as trustees.

However, users interested in being trustees should be aware of any conflicts of interest that might occur. These might form the basis of their application for trusteeship being rejected.

Although ‘seats’ on the board only become available occasionally, if you are interested in becoming a trustee of We Are Survivors, please contact the Chief Executive Officer on [email protected], expressing your interest and what you think you can bring to the organisation

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005