Since opening the doors in 2009, We Are Survivors has always had male survivors to consult to help ensure that projects, services and interventions are survivor-led. This has meant we can call upon ‘expertise-by-experience’ to answer core ethical concerns relevant to the charity’s growth; How do we know what we’re doing is right? What do we do when we get it wrong? How do we meet the needs of male survivors?
In 2018 we formalised this consultation process with the introduction of the ERG (Expert Reference Group), a group of current and ex-service users/clients who volunteer their time to provide the CEO and others with guidance and expertise in meeting the needs of male survivors.
Many organisations who deliver health or wellbeing services, whether they be in the Charity sector or through the NHS, will offer voluntary membership for a ‘Service User Group’, ‘Patient Experience Group’ or ‘Lived Experience Panel’. Involving those who have utilised the services an organisation delivers is vital to the maintenance of a healthy and client-focused organisation.
Our ERG model and constitution has been through a number of changes, evolving to ensure that it consistently meets the needs of the organisation.
The current ERG model is as follows:
- The maximum number of ERG members is 14.
- 12 members of the ERG are drawn from individuals who no longer access services.
- 2 members of the ERG are drawn from individuals who are currently engaged in accessing services.
- The ERG meet once a quarter for a formal ‘ERG Meeting’ in which an agenda is set and time allocated for discussions.
- Ad hoc meetings between these range from meeting with key public figures and charity stakeholders, hosting client ‘Open-House’ events, meeting to discuss research projects, and other charity-wide meetings such as the AGM and conferences.
- One We Are Survivors staff member will assume the role of Chair, ensuring all members have the opportunity to exercise their voice, as well as overseeing safeguarding and the wellbeing of members in their role.
- One We Are Survivors staff member will assume the role of Secretariat, drafting and distributing agendas and minutes, processing expenses, and providing operational support.
While we appreciate the passion and energy ERG members bring their volunteering role, ANY AND ALL INVOLVMENT IS OPTIONAL. Attendance or non-attendance of activities should be communicated with the Chair and Secretariat.
However, each ERG member is expected to adhere to Confidentiality Policy, Terms of Reference, and the Nolan Principles.
Further, each ERG member undertakes training in Safeguarding Level 1, Committee Management, Basics of Charity Finance, and other appropriate training courses which are all funded by We Are Survivors.
Each ERG member is a volunteer and therefore is not paid for their time. However, all travel costs and other volunteering costs are reimbursed by We Are Survivors, ensuring that no ERG member is out of pocket for their time given.