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survivors manchester

It Hasn't Affected Me Like That!


by Tom

Yeah, I know I work too hard,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I don’t trust men,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I like to sleep with the light on,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I get angry when I’m drunk,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I binge eat shit food,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I hate the way I look,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I have those panic attacks,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I’m never satisfied with my life,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I thought he made me gay,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I don’t think I deserve to be happy,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah, I know I think I keep seeing him in a crowd,
But…it hasn’t affected me like that.
And yeah I know something isn’t right.
But…it’s nothing to do with that!
I don’t even think about it.
It wasn’t even like that!
Happens to everyone doesn’t it?
Survivor? You must be kidding.
I’m not ready for all that!
Sitting in a circle and holding hands?
“My name’s Tom and I’m a survivor”?!
Come off it mate, I’m alright.
You keep your therapy thanks!
Because it hasn’t affected me like that….

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