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Beyond The Silence


Since we opened our doors, we have always tried to tell a story, share ideas and have our collective voice heard. We have done this in many ways but one way, in particular, is through audio/visual mediums.

We have been honoured to be asked to be interviewed on various TV and radio programmes; featured in various documentaries; and even created our own content! And every time we have done this, we have tried to capture it for our records but also so we can share the material far and wide. So a number of years ago we created our very own YouTube channel to store all these clips and to highlight some of our favourites, we’ve embedded them here.

Visit and subscribe to our channel:

Beyond The Silence: The Magazine

Beyond the Silence (Issue 5) celebrates the 16th birthday of We Are Survivors and the launch of our Year of Consent. Inside you’ll find the first of a four part history of We Are Survivors detailing all the key milestones of our first 16 years. We also ask the team here what ‘consent’ means to them, and share some of the inspiring birthday messages we’ve received. All this, plus the usual news, updates and events.

Issue 5: Coming Of Age

Issue 4: Pod People

Issue 3: On The Box

Issue 2: Richard Gadd

Issue 1: Welcome to We Are Survivors

Beyond The Silence: The Podcast

Beyond the Silence Podcast season 1 looks at survivors being mindful and grounded; survivors using their voices in telling their truths; using data to understand and create safe spaces; looking at cultural barriers to breaking the silence and celebrating We Are Survivors 16th Birthday.

Part.2 | 16th Birthday Special

Part.1 | 16th Birthday Special

Ep.1 | Self Care and Mindfulness with Joshua

Ep.2 | Authentic Voices and Storytelling with Christopher

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