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survivors manchester



By K

i got hrt wen i was 9
it dint stop til i got 13
it was my dad wat hrt me

i fort i wud alweys feel sad
i fort i wud alweys feel alown
it was alweys gona b bad

den i got a grl n a boy wat hlp me
dey bof bin hrt to
dey bof tark n caer for me

dey hlpd me wnt to lif moer
n shw me i got fings to lif for

dey dint tel me hw to feel or wat to fink
dey bof let me tark n b free
dey bof let me b me

dey bof got hrt reel bad to
but dey shwd me u can stil b u

fanx dunk n fanx grase

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