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survivors manchester

The Gallery

When was the last time you painted a picture? When was the last time you used a pencil to do a drawing? When did you last take a photograph (other than a holiday snap)? Since the cavemen first drew buffalo on their walls, man has communicated through pictures. You don’t need to be Van Gogh, Picasso, Dali, Warhol or even Banksy to create art. You don’t have to be the next Patrick Liley or Ian Rankin to take a photograph. If the image you create means something to you then that’s what counts.

Think about this as a kind of Tony Hart Gallery (without Morph) and just create. We are happy to return any original work after its been scanned for display, as long as a return stamped addressed envelope is provided.

Email any work to be included in the gallery to [email protected]. To view each piece of work, please click on the relevant link below.

Please note: The opinions and views expressed below do not necessarily represent those of We Are Survivors. We do not censor any part of the submitted work and therefore viewer discretion is needed as some may find elements of the work triggering or distressing.

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Helpline: 0808 800 5005