In December 2011, We Are Survivors submitted an application to The People’s Health Trust for £9,948.00 to fund The Survivors Guide project. In April 2012, we recieved notification that we had been successful in our bid which we were obviously delighted about.
The Project
The Survivors Guide Project aims to produce a unique self-help guide written by male survivors of sexual abuse and rape for male survivors and their supporters to aid understanding of the legacy effects and provide information on healthy coping mechanisms and sources of support. This will be achieved by bringing together adult male survivors to collect their experiences of the impact sexual abuse has on the health and wellbeing of boys and men; and compliment it with the knowledge and expertise gained from a variety of allied health, social care and legal professionals. Using online presence, groups, 1:1 discussion based activities and interviews to gather information, an editorial team will create content and work with a designer to create the print layout.
Information on the legacy of abuse will be gathered using online, peer-support groups, discussion based activities and interviews with professionals. The content will then be created by a voluntary editorial team of 10 members, primarily beneficiaries, with eight sessions supported by a professional writer/journalist to develop copywriting skills. A visual artist will support the teams design decisions in eight other sessions. A local graphic design company will create the visual print design and layout of the guide, with input from the editorial team and visual artist. At three different stages, a full draft will be presented to an ‘Expert Panel’ made up of beneficiaries and professionals, including those from the BME and LGBT community, for agreement and production.
Why Create This Project
The lack of acknowledgement or support for the 1 in 6 males that are victims of childhood sexual abuse means men often suffer in silence. However, evidence suggests providing factual information to this target group greatly increases an individual’s wellbeing and assists in breaking the silence. Common abuse legacy issues include poor mental health, isolation, self harm, suicide and drug and alcohol use. Support materials that positively challenge these maladaptive coping mechanisms enables individuals to feel able to choose change, choose health and re-engage with his family, friends and the wider community.
The Project Area
The project will take place in and around Manchester local authority.
The Project Lifespan
The project commences on 28.05.2012 and will be completed on 28.01.2013.
How You Can Get Involved in the Project
If your a male survivor, are a Manchester City Council resident, and want to work on this exciting project then drop us an email us at
The Project Diary
Over the course of the project, we will be keeping a monthly diary of our efforts and publishing it right here so keep checking back for updates.