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Online Referral Form


We Are Survivors is here to provide trauma informed/survivor focused support to male survivors (and their loved ones) of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester. Our services are designed to support male survivors to empower themselves to work through personal and sometimes painful issues, guided and supported by our incredible trauma-informed team who underpin all of their actions with the three step trauma and recovery model – stabilisation, processing, integration.

If you are looking for support outside of Greater Manchester, go to www.malesurvivor.co.uk to check out your local service or call the National Male Survivor Helpline on 0808 800 5005.

All referrals we receive will be treated with care; are processed within our strict General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR); and make the first contact with the person looking for the support within three days.

If you are a professional referring an individual into service, please ensure all fields are completed and you contact details are entered to ensure we can conform with you receipt of referral.

  • DD slash MM slash YYYY

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005