Supporting Researchers
As We Are Survivors seeks to better represent the voices of male survivors in relevant policymaking, media, and public discussions, we endeavor to form connections with knowledgeable experts that can help us influence where and when it matters for men and boys. We are interested in engaging with researchers that aim to take their findings beyond the academic sphere, whether that be through training delivery, therapy/community service development, or free online access (ethical dissemination). As such, our organisation engages in research with three standpoints in mind:
Firstly, that we can pass on our rich knowledge and data to those that have the expertise to interpret it, sharing their findings inside and beyond their place of study.
Secondly, that our organisation works with researchers and institutions that understand our charity’s philosophy: Our Mission, Vision, Values, and Aims.
Thirdly, and most importantly, we work with projects that actively involve survivors, incorporating research into their healing journey.
Survivor-Led Research Assessment
Therefore, before we can engage with any project, researchers must pass the following Initial Assessment:
- That the project is relevant to men and boys’ sexual abuse, exploitation, and rape,
- That there is proof of ethical approval from an appropriate research ethics body,
- That it significantly aligns with our Mission, Vision, Values and Aims.
Even if it passes these criteria, we may not be capable of supporting a project if we conclude that we lack the relevant survivor voices available to contribute.
If the research project passes these three initial criteria, we will let the researcher know when it will be brought to our male survivor Expert-Reference-Group for approval, in a Survivor-Led Research Proposal Assessment. Over the course of this meeting, staff and volunteer Expert-Reference-Group members will discuss the benefits of engaging in the proposal, alongside any other research proposals set for discussion.
If a proposal is approved by the Expert-Reference-Group, then we will assist in proceeding steps. Typically, we encourage researchers to conduct activities in our own office space in Salford, otherwise over hybrid or remote means through Microsoft Teams.
! Please keep an eye on this webpage as we develop our Survivor-Led Research Policy, which we will upload here upon ratification for researchers, participants, and anybody else to read !
Are you a Researcher?
If you are a researcher interested in getting in touch with a proposal, please email [email protected] so that our Operations Team can get in touch.
We ask that you provide us with details in your email:
- Your level of study: Undergraduate, Postgraduate, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral, Professional, Other.
- Your institution(s).
- The title of your project.
- A plain language summation of your project.
- Your confirmation of institutional ethical approval.