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Covering Your Tracks

You may not want others knowing that you have visited the We Are Survivors website, and we want to support you to cover your tracks. The following information should be used as guidance only. It is extremely difficult to completely avoid being tracked online, however the following guidance minimises the chances of someone knowing you’ve visited our website.

To be completely safe, you should use a device at work, a library (public or internet library) or even at a friend’s house. While We Are Survivors does not respond to emails from victims in order to protect their personal security, it is important to remember that when they are deleted, they still need to removed from the deleted box.

How can Someone find out I have Looked at this or Other Sites?

When you use the internet, the device and the actual browser (like Internet Explorer or Chrome) will often keep information. This could include websites you have looked at, search terms you have entered in Google, Yahoo or other search engines and a list of sites (called history) you have recently looked at.

Browsing and need to ‘Exit Site’ Quickly?

If you are browsing our website and you need to leave the site quickly, avoiding someone from seeing what site you are viewing. You can press the ‘Exit Site’ button to the right of the page. This will take you away from the from the site to your default browser.

You can also keep a document or other application open to switch to if someone comes into a room whilst you are browsing our website.

How you can Remove your Internet History

If you are using a shared device, someone may notice that the browsing history has been or is being deleted. They may also notice that previously saved passwords may now be gone from specific websites, where they are saved.

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-browsing-search-download-history-firefox

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95589?hl=en&rd=1

When you have searched using Google, often when words are typed in again, Google will list previous sites that begin in the same way. These are instructions from Google to remove previously searched items: http://www.google.co.uk/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=465

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/view-and-delete-your-browsing-history-in-internet-explorer-098ffe52-5ac9-a449-c296-c735c32c8678

Microsoft Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-edge/view-and-delete-browser-history-in-microsoft-edge-00cf7943-a9e1-975a-a33d-ac10ce454ca4

Safari (Apple): https://support.apple.com/en-gb/105082

Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/security-and-privacy/

Yahoo: https://uk.help.yahoo.com/kb/view-manage-yahoo-search-history-sln22645.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJiJjUO22CQS1Gm_G0v4eze26PEqPKv5J5mug21LATI_UeGGC-HV1g7-d2HYH71Y49o3K40ShgnuA1bnCMFHOnv5rvpRFOH8vrbaORq_XZbkiCQjPZAVJOqNLWIPUDso-HC95ntcXWbyucoNY-TI17zHBCys5cVbq_f83oKmHyZd

Private Browsing (Incognito)

Most mainstream browsers allow for browsing ‘Incognito’, in which the search history, cookies and browsers will not be recorded. The below links detail how you can use each browsers Private Browsing function.

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history

Google Chrome:

You may not want others knowing that you have visited the We Are Survivors website, and we want to support you to cover your tracks. The following information should be used as guidance only. It is extremely difficult to completely avoid being tracked online, however the following guidance minimises the chances of someone knowing you’ve visited our website.

To be completely safe, you should use a device at work, a library (public or internet library) or even at a friend’s house. While We Are Survivors does not respond to emails from victims in order to protect their personal security, it is important to remember that when they are deleted, they still need to removed from the deleted box.

How can Someone find out I have Looked at this or Other Sites?

When you use the internet, the device and the actual browser (like Internet Explorer or Chrome) will often keep information. This could include websites you have looked at, search terms you have entered in Google, Yahoo or other search engines and a list of sites (called history) you have recently looked at.

Browsing and need to ‘Exit Site’ Quickly?

If you are browsing our website and you need to leave the site quickly, avoiding someone from seeing what site you are viewing. You can press the ‘Exit Site’ button to the right of the page. This will take you away from the from the site to your default browser.

You can also keep a document or other application open to switch to if someone comes into a room whilst you are browsing our website.

How you can Remove your Internet History

If you are using a shared device, someone may notice that the browsing history has been or is being deleted. They may also notice that previously saved passwords may now be gone from specific websites, where they are saved.

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/delete-browsing-search-download-history-firefox

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95589?hl=en&rd=1

When you have searched using Google, often when words are typed in again, Google will list previous sites that begin in the same way. These are instructions from Google to remove previously searched items: http://www.google.co.uk/support/websearch/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=465

Internet Explorer: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/view-and-delete-your-browsing-history-in-internet-explorer-098ffe52-5ac9-a449-c296-c735c32c8678

Microsoft Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-edge/view-and-delete-browser-history-in-microsoft-edge-00cf7943-a9e1-975a-a33d-ac10ce454ca4

Safari (Apple): https://support.apple.com/en-gb/105082

Opera: https://help.opera.com/en/latest/security-and-privacy/

Yahoo: https://uk.help.yahoo.com/kb/view-manage-yahoo-search-history-sln22645.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAJiJjUO22CQS1Gm_G0v4eze26PEqPKv5J5mug21LATI_UeGGC-HV1g7-d2HYH71Y49o3K40ShgnuA1bnCMFHOnv5rvpRFOH8vrbaORq_XZbkiCQjPZAVJOqNLWIPUDso-HC95ntcXWbyucoNY-TI17zHBCys5cVbq_f83oKmHyZd

Private Browsing (Incognito)

Most mainstream browsers allow for browsing ‘Incognito’, in which the search history, cookies and browsers will not be recorded. The below links detail how you can use each browsers Private Browsing function.

Firefox: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/private-browsing-use-firefox-without-history

Google Chrome: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95464?hl=en-GB

Microsoft Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-edge/browse-inprivate-in-microsoft-edge-e6f47704-340c-7d4f-b00d-d0cf35aa1fcc

Safari (Apple): https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/ibrw1069/mac

Opera: https://blogs.opera.com/news/2014/10/how-to-open-private-window-opera-for-computers/


Toolbars such as Google, keep a record of the search words you have typed into the toolbar search box. To erase all the search words, you have typed in, you will need to check the individual instructions for each type of toolbar. For example, for the Google toolbar all you need to do is click on the Google icon and choose “Clear Search History”.

Microsoft Edge: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-edge/browse-inprivate-in-microsoft-edge-e6f47704-340c-7d4f-b00d-d0cf35aa1fcc

Safari (Apple): https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/ibrw1069/mac

Opera: https://blogs.opera.com/news/2014/10/how-to-open-private-window-opera-for-computers/


Toolbars such as Google, keep a record of the search words you have typed into the toolbar search box. To erase all the search words, you have typed in, you will need to check the individual instructions for each type of toolbar. For example, for the Google toolbar all you need to do is click on the Google icon and choose “Clear Search History”.

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005