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survivors manchester

Online Support & Apps


Research informs us that there is a disparity between the health of men and women in the UK. Men are not accessing GP Surgeries, healthcare services and mental health provisions as much as women are, and it’s certainly not that men are any healthier then their female counterparts!

Like many others, we believe that the pressure society puts on men to behave and act in a certain way, to suppress emotions and not show their true feelings, and to keep that ‘stiff upper lip’ all goes someway to explain this disparity. It simply perpetuates the verbal silence and often silent suffering of men – especially as victims of sexual abuse and rape.

We Are Survivors was established in order to support male survivors of harms in Greater Manchester and beyond, regardless of when or where the abuse took place. In this section, we would like to detail the different types of support available and how you can access our services.

Social Media:

In this day and age, social media is embedded into the lives of us all. We want to help you connect with us in whatever spaces you feel able to and whilst we know all the platforms can be a hot mess and spaces that have emotional impacts on users; we also know that they can be places to connect. As the saying goes… a little bit in moderation!

Click on a logo below to open the relevant site of your choice a new window.

Our Facebook Page is primarily aimed at male survivors and we try to ensure that we post material on the page that male survivors will find useful, engaging and connected.

Our X feed will essentially provide you with a digital notice board of what is happening, what we’re doing and any events we’re holding. We’ll also post clips of any videos we share.

Our TikTok page is aimed at younger survivors and is a way of us sharing our videos, events, and hopefully a way of you getting to know us

Our Linked In page will give you more ‘business’ news, policy news and information about the ‘back office’ and the running of the organisation to ensure you can see behind the scenes too.

Email Support:

Sometimes just writing down how you feel can be a huge step towards healing. Showing someone else what you’ve written is an even bigger step, its speaking out. However, we can feel like we don’t know who to turn to or maybe we will be judged if people hear what’s really going on for us.

To give you the ability to have someone listen to you without fear of judgement, we have set up an Email Support Service so you can: contact us, get some advice, as a question, read your words, and maybe begin a discussion. If you don’t want us to reply then just say. Remember, you are in control of this contact and we will respond in whatever way you want us to.

Email us at: [email protected]

We make a solid commitment to answer all emails within 24 hours.

Crisis Support


You know, if you feel in crisis and need to talk to someone then you can always call the Samaritans on 116 123 (24hrs) or in an emergency please dial 999 for free. There is always someone at the end of the phone that can and will help and although it may feel like it, your never on your own! Pick up the phone and reach out, please don’t suffer in silence

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005