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Sexual Offending Support


Our mission to Break The Silence of the sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitaton of boys and men means we have to ensure that the spaces we work in are safe for male survivors and the services are meeting their needs. It’s what the organistion was founded on.

So in order for us to do this, We Are Survivors is unable to offer support to those who are under investigation or have convictons for sexual offences. However, our greatest aim as a society must be to reduce the prevalence of sexual harm committed against boys and men and so we have to recognise that there is a need to tackle the issue of support provided to those survivors who have committed offences – men who have experiences as both victims and perpetrators to seek and access treatment.

Whilst this is something We Are Survivors cannot deliver services to those under investigation for, or have a conviction for, sexual offences, the following organisations can:

The Lucy Faithful Foundation

LFF 2012 Logo

The Lucy Faithful Foundation is a National Charity dedicated solely to reducing the risk of children being sexually abused. They work with families that have been affected by sexual abuse including: adult male and female sexual abusers; young people with inappropriate sexual behaviours; victims of abuse and other family members.

Contact: Call telephone 0808 1000 900 or email [email protected] or go to the main website www.stopitnow.org.uk

Stop SO

StopSO is a charity registered with the Charity Commission of England and Wales. We have a UK-wide independent network of suitably qualified and experienced professionals who are willing and trained to work with potential sex offenders, sex offenders and their families.

Contact: For further information call 07473 299 883 or go to the website www.stopso.org.uk.

Stakeholders and Funders

Helpline: 0808 800 5005