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survivors manchester

Creative Writing


Communicating with someone doesn’t just have to be about taking, some things seem too hard to say! But writing them down can be easier. It’s amazing what you can achieve with nothing more than a pen and paper (yes, some of us still use them). You don’t have to be the next Shakespeare, Wordsworth or Keats (or even Pam Ayres for those of you that remember her). Whether it’s a poem, a letter, lyrics to a song you’ve come up with, an article you wish you could see in the papers, a collage of words cut out of a magazine. Anyone can put a bunch of words together to express themselves. It doesn’t matter about the spelling or the grammar, its what YOU want to say that is important.

Here you will find the words of those that have put pen to paper (or fingers on the keyboard) and created something amazing and you can do the same if you want to. This space has been specially reserved to proudly display the collective words of male survivors, their partners, friends and others that help.

You can easily have your words included here, just drop us an email to [email protected] and attach your work. To view each piece of work, please click on the relevant button below.

IMPORTANT FOOTNOTE: It is important that we do not edit, change or censor an individual survivors words here and therefore visitors need to deploy their own discretion and recognise that some pieces of work (or elements of) may triggering or distressing to some people. We do, however, take a zero tolerance to hate speech and will not publish anything that is sexist, homophobic, transphobic, racist or sets to oppress others.

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